This game is free but the developer accepts
your support by letting you pay what you think is fair for the
Included files
Deck Hopper Setup 1.4.0.exe (76 MB)
Deck Hopper Advanced 1.5 (required to install for advanced features).sef (162 kB)
Deck Hopper 1.4.0 (103 MB)
Deck Hopper 1.4.0 macOS x64.dmg (99 MB)
Deck Hopper 1.4.0 macOS arm64.dmg (94 MB)
Deck Hopper 1.4.0 Linux x86_64.AppImage (103 MB)
Deck Hopper 1.4.0 Linux arm64.AppImage (104 MB)
Deck Hopper 1.4.0 Linux arm64.deb (69 MB)
Deck Hopper Pro (claim key via Itch download page).txt (680 bytes) at $5.99 USD