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Create, modify and control your Lucky Wheel overlay in OBS straight from SAMMI! Very easy setup and use! 

Set up your own wheel in a few easy steps!

Features at a glance

- Create wheels via friendly interface in Bridge or via SAMMI commands, including prepulated wheels with equal chances from an array of all possible rewards

- Use plain text or images for wheel segments

Show, spin and stop the wheel and get the winning reward in SAMMI 

- Modify wheels and their rewards on the fly

- NEW: Duplicate an existing wheel 

- NEW: Shuffle wheel rewards 

- NEW: Balance wheel reward chances

Control your wheel directly from Deck App

You can load, spin and stop spinning the wheel with one press of a button in your Deck App or add your own chat triggers, so that your mods can control it too! 
The winning reward's name will be automatically saved into a variable in your SAMMI.

Customize it! 

You can have a simple text based wheel with randomly generated segment colors each time you load it. 

Or... you can choose a color for each segment.

And... you can use an image for each segment instead of text!  There are also a few different animations available! 

Give you viewers the power to increase the reward chances! Can be activated through chat or channel points redeems! 

Use commands to create and populate a new wheel directly from SAMMI. 

NEWLY Supports creating a prepulated wheel from an array, automatically balancing wheel reward chances, shuffling the wheel, and more! 

Protected buttons

This extension’s basic version has some of its buttons protected (some nested commands handling core functionality are hidden). You still get fully functional extension and can freely modify or delete any buttons or commands, attach your own triggers etc. 
You can purchase a premium version of this extension if you're interested in how it was coded or want to make custom modifications. 
I do not provide support for a premium version if you decide to edit any previously locked button commands. 

Setup Guide

Find full setup guide at https://docs.christinak.ca/docs/extensions/lucky-wheel#setup.

Interested in custom modifications for this extension? I offer commissioned work to adapt and personalize my extensions to your unique needs. For more information, reach out to me on Discord (christinna).

Special thanks goes to: All my amazing Patrons!

If you would like to support me in creating more extensions for SAMMI, you can become my Patron to get early free access to my extensions or make a Paypal donation.

DISCLAIMER: The extension is provided as is. The developer has no obligation to provide maintenance and support services or handle any bug reports.

Feel free to edit the extension for your own use. You may not distribute, sell or publish it without the author’s permission.


Get this project and 31 more for $110.00 USD
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In order to download this project you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $4.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Lucky Wheel.zip 363 kB
Lucky Wheel Premium.zip 65 kB
if you pay $14.99 USD or more

Development log


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(1 edit)

Hey Christina Big fan of your work, however I have purchased your lucky wheel for LB2 and I can't get it to add the wheel scene and could really do with some help if possible as currently I can't use it all. Best regards Lex. The setup button will not create the source 

Hey. Sorry you’re having troubles with the extension. Are you sure you followed all the instructions at https://lioranboard.ca/extensions/games/lucky-wheel#pills-setup ? Also check that:

  1. LioranBoard is on a stable (and not beta version)
  2. You’re using 4.9.1 OBS websocket (5.0 not supported by the extension)


Hey thanks for the reply. My Lioranboard is only on stable no Beta's. Websocket wasn't 4.9.1 though so it has actually put in the browser source this time. Wish the instructions said use websockets 4.9.1 :P Thank you so much for you help Kristina all the best.

https://lioranboard.ca/docs2/integrations/obs It’s mentioned here. And while it’s now possible to connect to OBSWS 5.0 with LioranBoard, it’s only for testing and developing purposes as 5.0 is completely different and requires lots of extensions to be migrated. Hope that helped, enjoy the extension!

I also tried out your Click Map I have added the heat extension as overlay one but the lb2 transmitter window says disconnected all the time what am I doing wrong this time ? :)

Please refer to the documentation on how to run Transmitter: https://lioranboard.ca/docs2/transmitter You probably have 2 open at the same time.

Hello i need help :)
I would like to set up several lucky wheels and activate one in particular automatically during a twitch event! 
But I can't select a particular wheel! 
Hoping that you understand me and that you can help me! 
Thanks a lot

(2 edits)

In the end I would need if possible a command to active a specific wheel. Like this: Wheelactive "Wheel1".
Or else have the possibility of assigning a wheel to a fixed button, and not in a drop-down menu! Thanks ;)

In your Ext\Lucky_Wheel\luckyWheel.ini file there’s a key named “active”. You need to change this key to a different wheel ID and press LOAD REWARDS button. It will load whatever wheel ID is under the key “active” then.

Ok, and how can I change this value via a button?

You can use File Save command: https://lioranboard.ca/docs2/commands/file-ini#filesavenumber

Hey awesome extension! I'm having trouble creating a wheel in the transmitter tab. It shows up and seems like it has values but just looks blank white in obs. Thanks for any help

There should be a default wheel when you installed it. Can you see that one?

That one is also blank white

In your LioranBoard/Ext/lucky_wheel folder should be a file named luckywheel.ini. Check if it’s populated at all after you press the red SETUP button in the premade deck. If not, there might be a problem with LioranBoard not being able to write into ini files for some reason.

list="[ 1646968842518.0 ]"

Got a bit more than this above but it is filled in

Looks good to me. And you see the default wheel in the list in your Stream Deck? Under the Load All Wheels button.


hi i just bought Lucky Wheel in hopes of using it as a giveaway, i would code it on as viewers can for example type !giveaway and then their twitch name come on the Wheel. but can see there is a part of the code that is locked so i cant do, anything you can help with?

There’s a comment in the Load Rewards button explaining how to modify your own rewards. That part isn’t locked :)


Very cool, this overlay is very beautiful.  In a little while I will test.  Can I make a video about this extension?

Thank you. And of course, I would be honored!